Organizing Committee

The organizing committee is composed of a diverse group of people with different personal and professional backgrounds, all committed to bringing ICAAR to Argentina. Working together, we remain dedicated to welcoming you to our country. We hope you can experience for yourself the wonders that make Argentina so unique: from its rich cultural heritage and the warmth of its people, to its vibrant urban life, breathtaking natural landscapes like Iguazu Falls, Patagonia, and the Andes, and its architectural legacy, including iconic structures affected by AAR deterioration. We are excited to share this experience with you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Meet the dedicated team behind the ICAAR 2028

Marfil, Silvina

Geology Department, Universidad Nacional del Sur - UNS, CIC

Lescano, Leticia
Secretary General
Geology Department, UNS - CIC

Locati Francisco
Program and Publication Chair
CONICET, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

Priano, Carla
Engineering Department- UNS

Borrello, Adrián
Website Coordinator
Geology Department, UNS

Bournod, Constanza
Website Coordinator
Geology Department, UNS - CIC

Delbianco, Natalia
Fund Raising, Sponsors
Engineering Department - UNS

Peralta Ring, Rocío
Fund Raising, Sponsors
Engineering Department - UNS

Madsen, Lenís
Fund Raising, Sponsors
Geology Department, UNS – CIC

Milanesi, Carlos
Post Conference Field Trip
Cementos Avellaneda SA

Puig, Hector
Post Conference Field Trip
Hidroeléctrica Río Hondo SA

Palazzi, Silvia
Post Conference Field Trip
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán – UNT

Daziano, Alejandra
Post Conference Field Trip
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán – UNT

Staff Members

(in alphabetical order)
Benítez, Graciela INTI
Berezosky, Juan José DNV-19
Falcone, Darío LEMIT - UNLP
Giaccio, Graciela LEMIT - UNLP
Irassar, Edgardo Fabián UNICEN
Lemma, Roxana UNICEN - CONICET
Rahhal, Viviana AATH
Raggiotti, Belén UTN - CINTEMAC
Rossetti, Agustín LEMIT-CIC
Sosa, María Eva CONICET–INTI
Torrijos, María Celeste UNLP-LEMIT-CONICET

Download the file with the Organizing Committee and staff list here